Keith Bates Blog
Maybe your website is sending the wrong message!
Keep this thought in mind…
Nobody buys technology from a stranger!
For your marketing efforts to be successful your products, services and company must become familiar and understood. Buyers and sellers need to be comfortable with one another before a sale happens. Sometimes protective coloration works.
Case in point…
Does a zebra trust anyone near him not wearing stripes? Not likely. He was programmed to recognize that critters wearing long hair and yellow hides could be the death of him. The faster your marketing communications establish a level of comfort, the shorter your selling cycles will be.
Why Zebras Only Trust Zebras
The simple fact is, buyers and sellers have to feel comfortable in one another’s presence. Sometimes you can disguise yourself. That’s why we have “the wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Historically, there have been a lot of wolves out there. But humans, like all the other species, have a primal instinct in them that is buried deep inside. Our instinct is to trust those who are like us, to distrust anything that runs counter to our gut feelings and question the motives of others. It’s what kept us alive in our more primitive states and it’s what still guides us today.
An Introduction…designed to help you determine if you should follow this blog regularly.
and while message retention is dependent on both words and pictures the use of pictures gives you an edge. Because pictures are far superior to words when it comes to altering the brain chemistry required of both penetration and retention …so if you’re contemplating a boring visual, or an all copy message, you’re in trouble.
Ways to make content more engaging
This blog may save your life (businesswise). Or it could bore you to death. Between these two extremes you’ll be able to have a laugh or two and sharpen your skills in content marketing whether you’re on the client side or the digital agency side.
The entire blog is designed on a single theme: “People don’t buy from strangers.” But I guess you’ve already figured that out from the title. The challenge for those in marketing is to get out of “stranger” mode as quickly, efficiently and inexpensively as possible. Engaging content is the best way to do that! And I’m here to show you how.
For a free copy of “Creativity—the critical gap between Messaging & Media” simply visit home page for the link.
Search Like a Hawk
IT’S THE MESSAGE, NOT THE MEDIA, THAT PERSUADES. For CEOs, CMOs in need of an Ad Agency, or a MarTech firm. Do this first… Accept the fact that traditional ad agencies often lack the consulting expertise to develop positioning and differentiation strategies while...
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